Student Can Continue Learning At Home Using NiftySIS – School Management Software
Student can continue learning at home using our school management software NiftySIS – A school ERP software which is hosted on web server. It provides complete Online school management system which is most useful for your daily operation in Schools like Collection of School fees, homework, Attendance, to control Student Material, enrollment and Teacher Management, School admin software, Attendance, Subject, Class Routine, Syllabus, Exam Marks, Noticeboard, Accounting, Library, and Student-teacher Subject time table.
Everything related to School Staff is also supported by the hosted software for school. NiftySIS is a leading provider of enterprise software solutions for educational institutions. It’s the most easy, user-friendly and affordable tool that comes with pre-packed 30+ comprehensive modules which suits the needs of almost each and every school or educational institution, right from the time of a student’s admission all activity to his leaving for better future, and from a collection of fees to the time of announcing exam results and also a student daily report.
Due to the current novel COVID epidemic, the usual methods of operating schools and educational institutions have changed. And with these changes, the pre operational systems and processes are not sufficient to handle the scenarios produced from these changes. Number of schools and colleges are shifting to new method of learning by implementation of online lectures.
Learning is such an important part in one’s life and Best part of personal growth, it becomes essential to monitor their allotment and submission to be timely. Sometimes, due to missing classes, these important notifications are missed which results in late submission and the poor reflection of their character on their teachers. Similarly for teachers keeping track of all the submissions is not an easy task. While working on their assignments students have to follow directions and formats suggested by the teacher. NiftySIS provides assignment Module with the proper link and teacher can upload this worksheet in the system. Then students can review that assignment and take a print of that assignment & submit to Teachers. Also we have provided pre-record the video link of YouTube for each subject which students can use to learn at home.
We know that without a reliable student attendance management system, organizations have to face many issues. We provide attendance management software will help your organization in saving time, maintaining proper attendance records by tracking the app sign in and sign out, reducing administrative work.
The examination of students is a systematic and continuous process for evaluating students on the bases of skills, knowledge, attitude, aptitude to get a promotion. We realize that assessment or examination in the educational system is a critical aspect of both the teaching and learning processes. Now, students’ assessment will become easier with the tiring efforts we will put in the development of our user-friendly eLearning solution. Let’s come to the point! We have an integrated Examination System, which can have the most advanced and amazing features likes, Fees, login, Admin Panel Student Profile, Teacher Profile, Admission Management, School Administration, Manage Students, Teachers, Fees Management, Library Management, Bus transport system, Management, Time-Table Management, Staff Management, Teacher Task Management, Manage Students. Your life will become easier when you employ our smartly developed software for compiling results.
For schools as well as colleges it will be a good idea to include the online learning process especially if the students are joining from their homes. We can have an overview of what is being taught to the students. This can be achieved by sharing plans in advance before the class.
Have fun, stay safe, be well!
For more details, you can contact us on our website