Online School Fees Management system
Fees Collection process and Management are very complex yet very important operations for the schools and colleges. NIFTYSIS helps in managing the student fees collection and fee receipt generation easy and quick. Also, it helps school administration in eliminating the need for repeated data entries. Our school management software provides the facility to print fees receipts during admission or the new semester. Fees collection is possible by cash, cheque and online transaction.
What are the features of school fees management systems?
You can effortlessly do student Fee Collection and maintain fees related data. You can also view student wise total fees collected in the selected date range and also displays total fees collected in a particular date range by cash, card, cheque, online transfer, etc. our School Management Software you can define the type of school fees to be collected from a specific semester. For example, you can build a ‘fee group’ as Nursery, Primary, etc also, our software calculates the pending fee and penalty if any applicable to the selected student based on fee structure assigned. NIFTYSIS also records all the transactions you made and involuntarily updates the respective accounts.
- Online and Offline Fee collection.
- Credit card and debit card Supporting system.
- Print fee receipt in specified formats.
- Email fee receipt to Student and Parent.
- Adjust fees related penalty amounts if any.
- View Fees collected for a Specific Standard – class.
- View collected fess for a date range or fees collected today.
- Payment reports by cash, card, cheque, bank transfer, Advance amount or the discount provided.
- Semester wise outstanding fee details.
- Daily fee collection particulars.
- Student wise outstanding fee particulars.
- Define different Fee groups for transportation Fees, Nursery Fees, Primary section fees, secondary section fess, etc.
- Define penalty or late payment fees that get applied weekly etc.
- Obtain Fees in cash, credit card, NEFT, Cheque.
- Swiftly update enhancement in fees.
Try NiftySIS today and experience how easy it is to manage school fees using the best school management software. For more details, you can contact us on our website