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NiftyGYM - Gym Management System
Gym Management System is ideal way to manage complete Gym operation. It has different user roles
like Staff Member, Member, accountant and admin user
Trainer, Member, Accountant and Admin users
NiftyGYM manage multiple users. Assign different roles and Access Rights. Admin can manage system Settings. Member can manage complete details of Gym subscriber.

Member Daily workout log and Schedule
In NiftyGYM, Member can view the assigned workout and can log the daily workout at gym. Trainer can manage and view members daily workout activity.
Manage Membership Plans
Admin can define different membership plans and Manage nutrition for each day for each member. Accept membership fees with paypal. Generate invoice for members. Manage history of all payments and generate reports.

Member Group, Activities and Timetable
Manage activities and Assign activity to each membership plan. Also Create and manage member groups. Class Management of Every member.
Messaging, Reports and Event Facilities Management
Admin can send message to all members, and Trainer can send message to staff & members.
Generete Report by membersship plans, Generete payment income report.

NiftyGYM Pricing Plans
Pricing table are a critical part in showcasing your services, prices and overall offerings. We give you full control
Can't decide which plan is right for you? See our Frequently asked questions
Complete Feature List

- Quick view of important Gym modules
- Different report for management
- Calendar with important event and notices

Gym Member module
- Record complete details of Gym subscriber
- Add vital measurement for each member
- Keep track of member’s physical stastics

Account module
- Manage income and expenses
- Manage member fees
- Payment reports

Store Module
- Manage products in system
- Sell product to member and keep sales record

Report module
- Generete Report by membership plans
- Generete payment income report

Membership Module
- Admin can define different membership plans
- Membership price management

Activity Module
- Manage activities available in gym
- Assign activity to each membership plan

Payment module
- Manage all the payment receipts
- Record all expenses

Notice module
- Make important Announcement throught notice module
- Add Time and Date of Notice

Nutrition module
- Prepare and assing nutrition plan for member
- Add Nutrition time wise like Breakfast, Lunch, Mid Lunch and Dinner
- Also add Nutrition day and date wise

Facility Management Module
- Record all the facilities available in gym
- Help section provide like Added Document, easy to follow Gym System

Workout module
- Member can view the assigned workout
- Add workout Activity wise like Free weight, Crunch etc..
- Also add workout day and date wise

Online Membership Payment
- Accept membership fees with paypal
- Check all history of payment
- Also view Due payment and records

Workout Module-admin
- Trainer can create workout schedule for members
- Trainer and Member add hisy Daily Workout
- Trainer and Member can show date wise workout

Expense Module
- Manage all expense
- Edit and Delete Expense , View all Record of expense
- Print Record of expense

Invoice Module
- Manage invoice from admin
- Edit and Delete Invoice , View all Record of Invoice
- Print Record of Invoice

Newsletter Module
- Mailchimp integration
- Admin Show List of Mailchimp Maling Listing
- Also show Campaign list and mail to member class wise

Message module
- Admin can send message to all members
- Compose new message to All, only member and particular user wise
- Inbox and sent box Facility

Attendance Module
- Manage staff attendance
- Manage Member attendance
- Take Attendance Date wise

Group Module
- Create and manage member groups
- Member can join the group